Enrolment is open now


Psychic Development and Accessing your Multidimensional Nature

This work focuses on strengthening your connection to the subtle realms of existence and refining your psychic abilities to better attune to the world of energy. We will explore practices and rituals that will help you develop a deeper relationship with Spirit, enhance your psychic senses, and activate your body as a finely tuned instrument to seamlessly convey the messages of life. The practices we explore within this container are curated to support you in cultivating intimacy with the many dimensions of self, tenderly exploring the diverse terrain of our human/spirit nature, while activating your inner Medicine Woman.

This container is a comprehensive education-based training that dives deeper into the shamanic realms, providing a nurturing and holistic modern mystery school environment for spiritual initiation, personal healing, and metamorphic experiences.

Participants of this course will be guided through deeply medicinal rites of passage initiations over 16 transformational weeks, that will further anchor them into the depth and power of their truth and the unique medicine they are here to offer the world. Throughout each week participants will be learning intention-based movement and choreography that will support in the integration of our work together. This container is especially potent in the way the specific content supports the expansion of multidimensional expression and the deepening into ones body as a conduit for energy.

Ignite a Relationship with your Inner Medicine Woman

As we peel back the amour around our heart space and attune to the subtle realms of existence. we open our capacity to be in loving, abundant co -creation with life. The medicine woman is in deep trust of the seasons and cycles of existence, she knows her body as a conduit for life to flow through her in harmony with her values, desires, and principles. She lives intimately with the innate cycles of birth, decay, death and renewal, she sees herself mirrored clearly in the natural world, her body and heart an extension of nature. In harnessing her medicine we place ourselves at the centre of our reality and dissolve victim tendencies so we can thrive at the Centrepoint of evolution.

Modules explored in this container:

  • Shamanic Deepening and Spirit Work

  • Cultivating a Relationship to the Quantum Field and Energetic World

  • The Liminal and the Void of Existance

  • Psychic Development and Attuning to the Subtle Realms

  • Embodiment Beyond Personal Identification

  • Archetypal Initiation -  Activating the Inner Visionary

  • Archetypal Initiation - Activating the Inner Medicine Woman

  • Psychic Development & Psychic Resiliency

  • Defence Against the Dark Arts

  • Healing the Paternal Lineage and Exploring the Father Wound

  • Shadow Work with the Masculine 

  • Exploration of the Light & Dark Feminine

  • The Volcanic Woman

  • Level up in Choreography & Transcendental Performance Art

Healing our relationship to the heart of the masculine.

A significant part of this body of work is the gentle excavation of the wounds we hold in relationship to the masculine. Men are invited to join the container for two refined modules that explore and unpack the nuanced wounds we both hold toward the opposite sex and the origins of these fractures. The intent that seeds the practices is rooted in reconciliation and repair so that we can continue to relate to others and the world from a space of wholeness. Inviting men who embody deep respect and reverence into sacred women's territory is revolutionary and potent in its ripple effects. To participate in this work in is a service to deep healing and re-villaging.

Meet your Facilitators

  • Nicole Maree- Eclectica Facilitator

    Nicole Maree also goes by the name Wilqa Nina, which means Sacred Fire. Nicole has a passion for bringing people together in shamanic ritual for the purpose of reawakening divinity within the body. 

    Dance was the very first thing Nicole loved about life and she studied dance from age 3 until about 16, when she was told to focus more on school.  It was about 15 years later when she was invited to dance on stage with Eclectica for the first time - and in her own words, her original passion for performing was reignited and liberated. 

    During her time away from the stage, Nicole dove deep into spirituality, studying psychic mediumship, yoga therapy, somatic integration, quantum magic and shamanic ceremonies. Nicole has been facilitating women’s work for about 5 years now and is now weaves her love of dance with Eclectica Hub.

  • Marley Thorpe - Eclectica Facilitator

    Marley is an embodiment mentor, retreat facilitator, dancer, yoga & pilates teacher, and a woman of the earth.

    She started dancing at the age of 4 and fell in love with movement and expression. Even at a young age, she was aware of the power of this!

    Marley is deeply passionate about re-wilding the feminine through movement medicine.⁣ She is a Scorpio Woman - deep, passionate, and expressive! She lives in a constant state of transformation. Not afraid of the shadows, she dances with parts of herself that wish to evolve.

    With a background in professional dance, Marley believes her purpose is to guide women back home to the wisdom of their bodies.

    Merging her passion for movement, the elements, yoga, and dance - Marley has hosted many retreats globally, with an emphasis on guiding women back home to their innate wild woman. At the forefront of Marley’s purpose is to offer women a transmission that supports them in remembering the ancient ways of being and thriving - in both their bodies and in nature.

    Through curiosity, softening, slowing down, and deep listening - her deepest intention is to create a safe space for you to feel.

The School term will finish with a mid-year concert where new and existing students will perform live dance transmissions that reflect the deep and transformative course content.

This will be an opportunity for you to be received in your most full-bodied expression and uninhibited aliveness by an electric crowd of supportive individuals who are there to support your expansion and fan your flame.

Students within the advanced trainings will be featured in the main show dancing alongsde the Eclectica core.


Enrolment open Now

Tuesday Night Class

Please make a note that week 5 and week 11 are semester break weeks. Also please take note that students will be required to attend an additional session in week 11 for the stage rehearsal. The concert is in Week 15 and will be held over three nights. The stage rehearsal and concert nights are compulsory for all students.

Classes run from 6pm - 10pm

Week 1 - Tuesday 11th Feb Second Story Studios
Week 2 - Tuesday 18th Feb Second Story Studios
Week 3 - Tuesday 25th Feb Second Story Studios
Week 4 - Tuesday 4th of March Second Story Studios
Week 5 - Tuesday 11th of March BREAK / NO CLASS
Week 6 - Tuesday 18th of March Second Story Studios
Week 7 - Tuesday 24th of March Second Story Studios
Week 8 - Tuesday 1st of April Second Story Studios
Week 9 - Tuesday 8th of April Second Story Studios
Week 10 - Tuesday 15th of April Second Story Studios
Week 11 - Tuesday 22nd EASTER BREAK / NO CLASS
Week 12 - Tuesday 29th of April Second Story Studios
Week 13 - Tuesday 6th of May Second Story Studios
Week 14 - Tuesday 13th of May Second Story Studios +STAGE REHEARSAL THURSDAY 15TH OF MAY (All students) 11AM - 10PM
Week 15 - CONCERT WEEK 20TH, 21ST, 22ND MAY
Week 16 - Tuesday 27th of May Second Story Studio

Soul Investment:

Pay in Full: $2,222

Payment Plan: $2,333 in 6 x fortnightly instalments of $388.83


  • All prices are inclusive of GST

Important announcement to our past present and future students:

Our enrolment system has changed:
Due to the high demand for this work, we are changing the way we approach student enrollment and are integrating more diverse bodies of work into the Eclectica tapestry.

Previously participation in level one was required before enrolling for our advanced levels and students were required to move through each level linearly. We have now opened the advanced levels to both new and returning students (conditions and terms apply)

Previous students who have completed level one and desire to continue their journey can now select from any of the following bodies of work:
“The Way of the WombKeeper” - Formally known as level two
“The Liminal” - Formally known as level three
”Embodied Eldership” Formally known as level four

New students

It is recommended that all new students commence through our foundational training “Passage of self” (Formally known as level 1) This training is a powerful initiation into the Eclectica culture, ethos and philosophy. However, those who are drawn to the advanced training and are integrated within Rites of passage work, somatics, embodiment and choreography are welcome to enroll in the advanced levels. Please note: being well-versed in choreography is an important prerequisite for new students enrolling in advanced training.

Please take your time to feel into each body of work and attune to what feels more resonant and aligned with your current season of self-development.

This course is strictly non refundable. In the event of extreme crisis of illness participants may apply to transfer their course fees to a future course or training with Eclectica. When securing your space via trybooking you agree to these terms and conditions and understand the following:

  • Transfered fees must be used within an 18 month period.

  • Application to transfer fees due to crisis or extreme illness but be requested from Eclectica prior to course commencement and you must provide sufficient evidence of circumstance.

Refund Policy